
Let’s talk science

The many forms of knee pain and the tools to make it better
The knee is the largest joint in our body, and a complex one. Cartilage cushions the knee joint and keeps ...
Influence of pre- and probiotics on immune response after taking the influenza vaccine
Influenza, a.k.a, “the flu,” is a fairly common disease with a huge burden worldwide. It is an acute resp ...
Meet the MYCObiota: the fungi that inhabit the human intestine
Much of the research on the gut microbiome has focused on its biggest component, the bacteria that inhabi ...
Upgrade client experiences with a digital care program that changes lives
COVID-19 has changed the way healthcare works. 72% of US consumers have changed the way they use traditio ...
More than skin-deep: Why gut health is a key ingredient in achieving that healthy glow
When “gut health” comes up in conversation, one may think of bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, or ch ...
Gluten-Free Recipes and Alternatives
Do you have a gluten sensitivity? If you suffer from bloating, indigestion, abdominal pain, fatigue, cram ...
Soaking up the sun: How exposure to UVB light modulates the gut microbiome
Dysbiotic changes in the composition of the gut microbiome form one of the factors implicated in the rise ...
The Relationship Between Our Microbiome And Heart Health
“All diseases begin in the gut.” – Hippocrates (460–370 BC) Hippocrates knew what he was talking about, ...
Stevia Metabolism and Its Impact
As obesity and weight-related illnesses continue to prevail across the globe, sugar consumption and sugar ...

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