
Let’s talk science

The Bristol Stool Chart: A Digital Tool for Monitoring Your Digestive Health with Digbi
Why It Matters At first glance, the topic of stool might not be your first choice for reading material. H ...
How Social Support Impacts Weight Loss
Relationships and social support networks can be leveraged to help individuals achieve healthier lifestyl ...
Gut Biome, Genetics and Fertility, How Are They Connected?
Your gut says a lot about your health. Our gut not only regulates our digestive system but also affects ...
Jumpstart your weight loss and mental health, empower your DNA and Gut Microbiome
Your body comprises 30 Trillion cells containing your unique DNA. No two human beings have the same genet ...
How Digbi Interprets Your Gut’s Signals
Understanding why Gut Health is Important About 40 trillion - our bodies literally have more bacteria tha ...
Is Gut Health the (missing) key to happiness?
Is Gut Health the (missing) key to happiness? As you may have learned in our previous blog, serotonin pla ...
Men’s gut health matters
In the rush to meet the demands of everyday life, we may or may not get a chance to reflect on the state ...
If You're a Woman, Your Gut Issues Just Might Be More Complex
Did you know that irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is more common in women than in men? While the same symp ...
Wisdom, Loneliness, Mental Health And Their Link With The Gut Microbiome
When we come across the terms “wise old man” or “wise old woman,” it hardly ever occurs to us to correlat ...

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We know why you’re here. You saw the word “science” and your heart took a little extra beat, didn’t it? you’re the patient who prints out articles to take to your doctor’s office. You scour the latest studies for the newest developments in nutrition, weight loss, and fitness.