Ranjan Sinha

January 07, 2022

Here’s How Gut & Gene-Based Personalized Care Impacts Whole-Person Health

Kristi, Lisa & Mai witnessed life-changing results by targeting the root cause of their illnesses

Your Digestive System is interlinked with all the functions of your body. Digestive issues often cause people to skip work or family events entirely; this silent suffering impacts the mental health of many and leaves people guessing the ways to prevent flare-ups.

Digestive Health conditions like IBS, acid reflux, and heartburn are serious and worrisome. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) impacts 25-45 million people in The United States alone. The dreaded symptoms of IBS range from bowel urgency, abdominal pain, gas, frequent diarrhea, uncomfortable bloating, or constipation.

Digestive problems can be serious & worrisome

Many people choose to suffer in silence, often struggling with their relationship with food. These whisper illnesses have a stigma attached to them; most people find it discomforting to talk about their digestive issues.
To address these issues, we must first talk about them.

At Digbi Health, a team of doctors, scientists, health specialists, engineers work together to equip you with simple tools and knowledge that allow you to eliminate or reduce the cause of your illnesses.

The Digbi approach is not a diet

It empowers you to make small but precise changes that will make a remarkable difference to your health. Your Gut Health impacts your everyday life, immunity, and everything in between.

Digbi Health offers personalized care based on your Gut microbiome & Genetics to significantly improve the quality of your life. And it does so by eliminating the stigma attached to whisper illnesses and empowering individuals to follow their personalized path to health as opposed to one-size-fits-all advice.

Meet 3 Digbi members who reversed diseases by addressing their Gut issues

  1. Meet Digbi Member Kristi

    Before joining Digbi, Kristi experienced frequent gas and diarrhea, heartburns, and acid reflux. She took medications every day for relief. There was a point when she considered gastric bypass surgery.
    Her holistic health journey with personalized care allowed her to make small but precise changes to her diet. Her health report, based on her unique Gut Microbiome & Genetics, along with the guidance from her health coach, empowered her with the knowledge to make lifestyle changes and modify food habits to lead pain and discomfort-free life.

    And the quality of her life improved. She is thrilled she can jog and feels energized as well. Her clarity improved, focus and concentration levels peaked.

    In a few weeks, she lost 9 pounds, reduced obesity, reversed digestive issues, and regained mental clarity. She got off the medications.

  2. Digbi Member Mai

    Mai was worried about her cholesterol levels and was eager to shed some weight and reverse her backache issue. Digbi led her to a path of holistic health. She lost over 30 pounds, gained energy to be active through the day, play with her kids, and not rely on caffeine to get through the day. Mai achieved mental clarity and has set her eyes to jog for the first time.

    She gained knowledge about her Gut; her health coach recommended food and lifestyle changes to lose weight naturally and sustainably.

  3. Here is Lisa

    Digbi Member Lisa had struggled with yo-yo dieting and unsustainable workout routines for years. She finally had the opportunity to reclaim her life by understanding her Gut Microbiome & Genetics and eating what her Gut asked her to eat.

    The moment she changed her diet, the weight dropped. She reversed her gut issues and gained more energy. Digbi was able to show Lisa that her body didn't need a rigorous workout routine to get fit. Walking led her to lose more weight than ever before. Lisa also learned that the fats she believed to be healthy did not aid her weight loss. Lisa discovered that the old diets and intensive workout routines were not sustainable and what she needed was a lifestyle change.

This New Year, choose Gut Health & see the difference.
Keep in mind, your Gut Microbiome-based health report is like the blue-chip of your body. It gives you access to your Gut and equips you with scientific knowledge to feed your body with only those meals that work as medicine for you.

Much like Lisa, Mai, & Kristi, Digbi Health has transformed thousands of lives and led them on a path to live every day healthy, happy, and pain-free. It’s your turn.

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