Ranjan Sinha

December 10, 2021

How to Improve Your Current Mental Health Benefit Offerings

COVID-19 placed increased focus on mental health amongst employers as their employees began working from home. Most companies invested in a range of programs like Ginger, Lyra, and Headspace to help their employees battle depression, anxiety, and insomnia; however, companies are still missing a program that gets to the root cause of their employees physical and mental chronic conditions versus just managing symptoms.

The Gap in Current Benefit Plans: Targeting the Root Cause

We've traditionally relied on pharmaceuticals to treat mental health conditions (most commonly SSRIs and MAOIs). However, a plethora of research has revealed that these drugs often come with serious side effects, tolerance development, and addiction risk. 33% of patients no longer feel effects over time, despite an increase in the dosage. Moreover, nearly a quarter of those who stop taking antidepressants relapse within 2-years of stopping the medications.

Despite the use of these medications and all the new and innovative apps, 46% of US employees are still struggling with mental health conditions. Of those, 58% of US adults suffer from other chronic conditions along with their mental health condition.

Why Incorporating Genetics & Gut Test Diagnostics is Essential for a Complete Mental Health Program: Mental Health Begins with a Healthy Gut

Until recently, mental health conditions like anxiety, insomnia, and depression were exclusively considered functions of the brain. Now, it is well accepted in the medical and scientific community that the gut and brain are connected; communication between the two is constantly occurring. Poor digestive health has been associated with depression, sleep and anxiety disorders.

Most people are surprised to learn that over 90% of the body’s serotonin — a key hormone that regulates mental health - is made in the gut. Not only is serotonin’s job to keep us happy and less anxious, but it controls production of melatonin — an essential protein responsible for sleep.

Specific bacteria exist in the gut whose role is to synthesize serotonin from food to maintain optimal levels for both mental and GI health. Without the healthy bacteria and the right food and fiber to feed them, healthy serotonin synthesis may be compromised resulting in poor sleep, depression, and anxiety disorders.

Digbi Health analyzes the presence and abundance of serotonin producing bacteria and recommends the right food and fiber that will promote growth of this bacteria, resulting in improved mental health and sleep.

Simply put, one cannot have a healthy mind without a healthy gut, and one cannot have a healthy gut without a healthy mind.

Digbi Health Delivers Extraordinary Improvements in Mental Health by Harnessing the Gut

Digbi’s digestive health program received EAU from the FDA. The program has also been vetted and offered by health plans and multiple self-insured employers. In a 2021 Real-World Study, 275 Digbi Health members demonstrated significant reductions in general anxiety disorder (GAD) and depression symptoms.

Image by Digbi Health

Your employees and their families deserve the right to better understand their genetics and gut-microbiome so that they can live strong and disease free.

To help improve your employees mental and physical health and overall quality of life, contact Head of Business Development, Scott Levy at scott@digbihealth.com

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