Dr. Suniel S. Khemlani is a family medicine doctor in Alta Loma, California. He has been in practice between 6-10 years. He practices at Lani City Medical. At Lani City Medical in Rancho Cucamonga, California, the dedicated team make it a point to meet their patients’ unique needs by delivering fast, affordable care. The team never makes patients wait in long lines or waiting rooms, where they can expose themselves to infections and diseases.
Instead, Lani City Medical provides iPads for quick, easy check-ins and offers text message updates rather than making their patients wait in line. Most patients are in and out of the office in less than 60 minutes.
As an urgent care facility, the practice treats an array of conditions, including asthma, pneumonia, the flu, motor vehicle accidents, broken bones, and sports injuries. They also provide preventive services like annual physicals, sports physicals, and immunizations.
Dr. Suniel Khemlani
Alta Loma, CA