Member Talk

Julie increased her energy and reversed digestive issues.
Julie has a lot more energy. She's reduced her aches in her joints from inflammation. She's reversed gut issues, she's a lot more regular. She doesn't suffer from bloating, constipation, and IBS now that she's ...
Susan was overweight her entire life and defeated by her slow weight loss.
Susan has been overweight her whole life and has exhausted every option. Knew what she had to do but needed the motivation to do it. Her slowness in losing weight in the past has been a sign of defeat for her, ...
Kim's restricted diet made it hard for her to lose weight and feel healthy.
Kim started to not be able to eat foods that she has been able to once before like, diary, vegetables, and gluten. This caused so much stress for Kim that she started to develop fibromyalgia. Digbi was able to ...
Lisa had struggled with yo-yo dieting and unsustainable workout routines for years.
Lisa found that the old diets and intensive workout routines weren't sustainable and what she really needed was a lifestyle change. Digbi was able to show Lisa that her body didn't need a rigorous workout routi ...
Nancy found the sustainability of other health programs unrealistic.
Nancy had tried other weight loss programs in the past and didn't find them sustainable for everyday life. Through the Digbi DNA testing Nancy found out what food sensitivities she had and what type of exercis ...
Fear of infertility due to weight issue casued by PCOS.
She really wanted to start a family and was worried she wouldn't be able to because of her weight gain caused by PCOS. Shirley suffered from sciatica pain that was caused by being overweight. Shirley has tried ...
Reversed pain from a degenerative disc. She noticed the pain was just gone
She doesn't feel heavy or bloated anymore. She reversed her skin conditions. She had an itchy scalp that was plaguing her for 10 years. She saw multiple specialists and nobody could figure it out. She noticed r ...
Realized being aware and intentional is a big part of why this program works
Victoria has so much energy, she's bouncing off the walls in the morning. She believes it is due to better sleep. She feels like she can be productive longer. Her job is very stressful, but she's been able to b ...
Time Advantaged Eating has played a big role in his success.
"As healthy as I feel now, I know I still have room for improvement. I'm working on gut health." His health coach had the biggest impact on his success. The weekly accountability of weighing and having calls he ...
Knowing her data and her pre-disposition, gave her the insight to make the right change
Practices Time Advantage Eating. She has an extreme sweet tooth. If she eats pasta, she craves sweets. She's gotten to the point where she doesn't even want to snack.